Member recruitment and communication campaigns
What can I do as an active, how can I help MiB as a volunteer?
MiB's communication objectives are to increase the visibility and awareness of MiB's message, to change the working environment to a more family-friendly one, to support member retention and to recruit new MiB members. This is where your volunteer work comes to play.
We are working towards these objectives through a variety of annual communication campaigns and active recruitment. With engaging content, we will reach more and more people and thus strengthen our impact. Use these materials and spread the word.
Underneath, you can find a campaign specific information on all the campaigns. In any questions, please contact on Slack channels- we are happy to help and support ❤️.
Yearly membership
The invoicing period for the association's annual membership fee starts every year at the beginning of new year. The annual membership fee is charged to those members of the association who have joined before 30th of October. The annual membership fee invoice is sent by e-mail at the beginning of the new year to all members who meet the payment conditions. The annual membership fee is 40 euros.
The association's employees send the invoices and manage the billing through the membership register Membook. In addition, employees will internally communicate both by e-mail and on social media channels in order to remind about the membership payments. The top themes of communication are:
Why is it worth paying for MiB’s membership?
What does the member get when paying the Mib membership fee?
Local chapters and actives can help with the communication by
paying the membership fee themselves
encourage the local members to pay their membership fee and
communicating the importance of paying the membership fee on local social media accounts and in their own personal channels
You can use the button below to view shareable social media plans. More information about the membership fee campaign: soile.pylsy(at)
Family-friendly worklife
The Family Friendly Working Life campaign consists of a seminar event and a pre-marketing campaign. The Family Friendly Working Life seminar was held virtually for the first time on 2 October 2020, with over 300 participants on the line: Family-friendly working life seminar - The key to shaking up attitudes.
In the month before the seminar, in September 2020, we celebrated Family-Friendly Working Life Month, which included sharing family-friendly tips for workplaces. We also shared interviews on our blog about family-friendly workplaces. And, of course, we promoted the upcoming seminar all the time. Read more about the seminar and pre-marketing.
Family-friendly working life is MiB's goal.
Rest of the year for free - campaign
Rest of the year for free -campaign takes place each year starting at the end of October lasting all the way until the end of the year. The campaign is aimed for those who currently are not MiB members (but may have previously been). MiB membership fees are applied per each calendar year.
Those who join during the campaign period do not pay the membership fee for the current year running, and instead pay in advance the membership fee for the following financial year and in return are granted the rest of the year’s membership at no cost. The invoice is issued straight after the application is submitted.
Membership promotion will be active during the campaign period with the theme “Join MiB ry now - get the rest of the year for free”.
The campaign rules: Rest of the year for free - member recruitment campaign description
This member recruitment campaign is held each year between 1.11 - 31.12 and applies to membership applications which are accepted during the campaign period.
During the member recruitment campaign the member applicant is charged the membership fee for the following financial year. Once the membership fee is paid, the member is granted the use of full member benefits starting from the current financial year.
The membership application must be submitted between the campaign period between 1.11 - 31.12. The application is processed by a MiB employee at the first possible opportunity, after which the member applicant is sent the MiB membership fee invoice automatically. The applicant shall pay the membership fee invoice according to the invoice due date.
A MiB employee will mark the invoice as paid and confirm the membership within one week for those applicants who have paid their membership fee.
Completed payments cannot be refunded.
MiB ry reserves the right for any campaign changes.
Campaign organiser and contact details:
The campaign is organised by the employees of Mothers in Business MiB ry and the campaign is monitored by the board of MiB ry.
Contact us at: info(at)