Sanna Kranjc
Mothers in Business has elected Sanna Kranjc, M.Soc.Sc., as the association’s new chairperson. Kranjc has held positions of trust at MiB also before and has been active since 2018, especially in advocacy, communications and strategy work. She is the mother of twin babies and a preschooler and is currently on family leave from her position as Marketing and Communications Manager at Retriever, a media monitoring and analysis agency.
Annica Moore
“Thanks to her many years of active involvement, Sanna Kranjc is well acquainted with MiB's themes and activities and has strong merits, especially in developing MiB's advocacy work and media communications. I am delighted that we will have her skills and enthusiasm in advancing MiB's vision of the most equal and family-friendly working life in the world”, says Annica Moore, MiB's CEO.
Moore is glad that the positions of trust at MiB ry have raised a lot of interest in people with different life situations.
“Family-friendliness and equality mean the opportunity to advance one's own career goals, regardless of family situation. For us at MiB, it could mean, for example, the opportunity to lead a board with twin babies in arms”, Moore ponders.
Family-friendliness benefits people in all kinds of jobs
At its autumn meeting on November 27, 2021, Mothers in Business also approved next year’s action plan aimed at strong membership growth.
“There are almost 1.6 million mothers in Finland, many of whom struggle with reconciling work and family without the support of our wonderful network. I want to contribute towards more and more people finding our organization and Finnish working life becoming more family friendly. Family friendly practices at the workplace not only serve families with young children and knowledge workers, but flexibility in reconciling work and other areas of life benefits people at all stages of life and in all kinds of jobs”, says Kranjc.
Kranjc encourages every workplace to create guidelines for family friendliness that are shared among the whole staff.
In addition to the chairman, new Board members were also elected in MiB ry’s autumn meeting:
Saara Unnanlahti will continue for the fourth year on the board. She holds a Master of Science in Business Law and Economics, a BBA and a Professional Teacher Qualification. Her previous work experience is from the financial sector, but she is now starting in a new position in the public sector.
Rimma Ahonen will return to MiB's Board after a few years. For the past two years, she has been involved in women's NGO activities at the local, district, and federal government levels.
Riikka Rannikko is a new member of the Board and highly experienced in personnel management in both associations and companies. She is currently working as an HR Manager. Riikka is also an active (volunteer) at MiB, with experience of several different volunteer roles at MiB and other associations.
Katri Sarkia is a new mother who was elected as a new Board member. She is a political scientist who has worked in various positions in Finland and abroad for more than 10 years; she is currently working on public sector and governance development.
Netta Huttunen is the first deputy member of the Board. She works for a Finnish IT company and has a Master’s degree in Economics as well as an MBA.
Katja Keckman is the second deputy member of the Board. She has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy and Political Science and is a communications professional and a MiB active, currently leading MiB’s communications content team.
The Board of Mothers in Business in 2022:
Sanna Kranjc (chair), Helsinki
Anne Hämäläinen, Helsinki
Maija Wirlander, Pirkkala
Aino-Kaisa Kaunisto, Kouvola
Saara Unnanlahti, Tampere
Rimma Ahonen, Tampere
Riikka Rannikko, Tampere
Katri Sarkia, Helsinki
Netta Huttunen (1. deputy member)
Katja Keckman (2. deputy member)
More information:
Sanna Kranjc, p. 0505351988,
Annica Moore, p 044 705 7333,
Mothers in Business (MiB) is a nationwide network that supports career-oriented mothers in balancing work and family. Our aim is to provide opportunities for skills development, networking and career advancement. Currently, we have over 4500 members and hundreds of volunteers throughout Finland.